About institute
The Television Scientific Research Institute is one of the leading enterprises of the country to create systems and means of television equipment, the main developer and supplier of modern optoelectronic, radiometric and video information systems for monitoring, navigation and object management.
The Television Scientific Research Institute is a diversified enterprise developing unique scientific and technical products in the most significant areas of television technology:
- space voice and video communication systems;
- television equipment for equipping manned spacecraft, orbital stations, automatic complexes for remote sensing of the Earth;
- television equipment for deep-sea vehicles;
- television systems for equipping submarines and surface ships;
- ground-based optoelectronic systems for measuring the parameters of spacecraft trajectories, television systems for reconnaissance unmanned aerial vehicles;
- ground-based equipment for receiving, processing and transmitting signals from spacecraft of Earth remote sensing systems;
- television systems in radiation-resistant design for operation in corrosive environments;
- hardware-software means for processing television information based on effective algorithms for compressing digital streams;
- studio equipment for digital television broadcasting, mobile reportage television stations;
- control and measuring equipment providing control over the parameters of analog and digital television signals in the hardware and studio complexes of TV and radio centers, measuring and controlling the parameters of television transmitters;
- systems of technical vision for industrial use and television security systems.